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2021 Social Ventures on Network 엑셀러레이팅 프로그램 #2021
경계를 넘어서 협업은 가능한가? 비대면 으로 만나는 이방인과도 협업은 가능한가? 외견상 정치적 긴장 관계가 상존하는 동아시아 3국의 젋은이 들은, 비대면 접촉 상황에서 지역 공통의 문제를 읽어내고 해결책을 구현할 수 있는가? 이를 위해 우리는 15주간의 소셜 벤처 육성 프로그램을 동아시아 3국(한국, 중국, 일본)의 20대가 참여하 는 가상 공동체(virtual community)에서 운용하였습니다. 동아시아 3국의 다양한 정치, 경제 제도를 관통하는 공통의 문제를 읽어내고, 지속 가능한 비즈니스, 포용적 변화(inclusive change) 프로그램을 개발하는 경험을 동아시아 3국 20대에게 제공하였습니다
This competition is aimed at providing undergraduate students the learning opportunities to experiment on inclusive, responsible change through business. The competition is designed as a mini-accelerator for cross-border social ventures, whose members are drawn from Hitotsubashi University, Peking University, and Seoul National University
Learning Goals
The key feature of this competition is to provide a platform for students in East Asia to help provide opportunities to re-define social problems in this region and to develop a sustainable solution to problems that the current market fails to solve. While working towards finding solutions to these common problems, the students would form solidarity and renewed commitment towards social problems in the region.
The Structure of Competition
˙Three learning teams whose members are evenly represented from China, Japan, and Korea will develop a viable business solution to their chosen problem within 15 weeks.
˙ Mentors are assigned to each team by providing mentoring and coaching activities
˙ The distinctive feature of this program is that all collaboration is made via an online platform in a way that the virtual, non-hierarchical teams develop a viable solution to ill-defined problems.
- Team Crevisse : Cai Yutong, Hyesu Yoo, Seoyeong Youn, Soda Akari
- Team Impact Square : Daeho Ko, Daehyeok Lee, Liu Baixu, Liu Weiyi, Seungha Lee
- Team Root Impact : Chen Tianqi, Gaoxin Peng, Hyemin Kim, Narae Shin, Wang Xiaochen